Audience feedback is the most crucial part when making a product, as it allows the director/editor to see what the general public are really thinking about their particular product they have constructed. As explained in the video we used different types of ways to engage with the audience and gain a insightful and genuine response before release of our trailer. Our first approach-

Questionnaires- My preferred choice as it does not put much pressure on the audience therefore results are more likely to be accurate and true, questionnaires can be designed by using closed questions with yes or no answers or open where the audience can comment on what their opinion is, we also made the questionnaires anonymous therefore the respondents were more likely to respond truthfully.

Other options include test screenings; this is where an audience is asked to watch the film before it is released and they must comment on good and bad points which was done with our focus group, these points are then taken into account and the film may be re-edited, we used similar to this but with our peers just to make a few comments on how we could improve our film from another perspective.

There is also the feedback which comes after a film has been made such as reviews, number of dvds sales, exit polls etc which can help the director build upon this in the next film so they do not make the same mistakes or try to include things which the last film have lacked.