Above is the link to our trailer. We thought of ten questions that we believed would be suitable to ask the public that would benefit our research. The questions we asked were-

  1. Are you male or female?
  2. What is your age?
  3. What is your preferred genre when going to the cinema?
  4. How often do you watch trailers per week?
  5. What is it about a film trailer that makes you want to watch the film?
  6. Tick all the features you expect to see in a trailer-
  7. Do you expect music to be in a trailer?
  8. Rank these production values in order of importance in a film trailer-
  9. What do you value most in a film trailer?
  10. What platform do you usually watch trailers on?



Question 1 resulted in 59 females and 41 males.

  • This is almost a balanced amount, therefore the results won’t be bias although not 100% accurate of the genders as there is a few more females that participated in our survey. This won’t affect our results massively – as the questions are pretty gender neutral.


Question 2-

survey respone 1

survey 1

These results showed that we had the majority of questions answered by 15-24, which may be because we sent the survey round to our friends therefore they completed it themselves. Another large percentage is the 45-54 bracket which is most of our parents and their friends age. Although we do have answers from every age bracket- therefore their results are counted within our analysis.


Question 3-

survey 3

survey 3 x

The genre with the highest percentage was Romance, this may be because the highest percentage of respondents were female. The second highest is thriller/mystery which is what we intended to go with. However, we also wanted a hybrid of drama also which unfortunately wasn’t included within our survey – but we feel that thriller and drama compliment one another.


Question 4-

survey 4

survey 4 x

The larger percentage of respondents said they watch trailers regularly and often as opposed to never. This helps us when making our trailer because we know it will promote our film to the public by putting a trailer out there.


Question 5– What is it about a film trailer that makes you want to watch the film?

survey 5


Question 6-

survey 6

survey 7

No one answered numerous prolonged scenes, which is good as we will only be including short snippets at the beginning and slightly more longer scenes towards the middle but never prolonged scenes. Only 6% answered any extra supporting characters which is good as our trailer focus is on Caitlin predominantly. A cliff hanger and teasers of the film will be occurring throughout our trailer, which is positive as these received a large percentage.


Question 7-

actal surevy 7

This is explanatory as we were always going to include music in our trailer, and as it is portrayed above it is well expected.


Question 8-

survey 8

survey 8 x

All these answers are rather equal as their scores are similar average totals, which is good as all these aspects will be highlighted in our trailer. We will focus on camerawork the most to disorientate the audience as it is a thriller/drama that is intended to make the audience feel on edge and confused.


Question 9-

surevy 9

This result suggested respondents more focus on the storyline that emphasis on characters, however Caitlin is highlighted throughout our trailer more so than the understanding of the plot, however as it is a thriller/drama we will need to confuse the audience slightly and give them an enigma to solve themselves.


Question 10-

surevy 10

This is pretty equal, and helpful therefore we will be promoting our trailer on all of these platforms.