After we posted our first draft and finishing it, we showed our teacher, focus group and peers who gave us valuable feedback that we will consider. Some of the feedback is below-

  • Add the BBC news theme tune at the very start
  • Film a scene of Daisy and Emma getting ready for a festival in a bedroom, then Daisy presses play on her music to begin the song “solo dance”, therefore it rolls naturally and looks authentic
  • Add a slow motion effect to the shot of Caitlin on the balcony and make it the last shot in the montage
  • Add more shots to the kidnapping montage, and re-film parts of it
  • Re-film Jaq’s news interview as he didn’t look at the camera as much as they usually would
  • Focus on sound effects and music in the kidnap montage (watch “Alien” deleted scenes for inspiration)
  • Remove the scream at the end and have silence when the missing poster appears, to create suspense and end gradually.


Although we will need to re-film, this feedback has been very helpful and we will consider to do everything on the list so our film is the best it can possibly be.