Production: 20th Century Fox

20th century fox

We chose to go with 20th Century Fox for our production, as they are a very well-known company who will most likely bring our film success. As you can see above, the movies produced by 20th Century Fox all feature a thrill element, and drama along with other hybrid of genres. This leads us to believe that 20th Century Fox will handle our film the best to make sure we reach the optimum level of success. This would maximise our revenue and create the widest publicity possible. We would use this conglomerate to produce our film to major cinemas across the world, which will expose our film to a diverse audience. As 20th Century is part of the big six, we would be able to promote our film through their other products creating synergy, such as using their subsidiary . This creates cross media convergence, and as it is vertical integration this could be cost effective for the budget of our film.


Distribution: Regency Enterprises


We chose Regency Enterprises for similar reasons, especially because “GONE GIRL” was such an inspiration to use when we were making the film, therefore we went with Regency Enterprise as they partook in the development and distribution of “GONE GIRL”.

As well as distributing another drama involved films such as “FIGHT CLUB” we thought we would benefit the most by working with this company. Regency Enterprise and 20th Century Fox also work together and have investments together suggesting that the two companies work well together.



We set up a twitter account (capturedfilm17) to promote our film as much as we could. We also sent the link of our YouTube account to friends and family so they could easily gain access to our trailer too.

As you can see, we promoted our film and trailer with links to Emily’s YouTube account, and pictures to accompany the tweets and hashtags so our film gains the views and publicity from the audience. By doing this and placing our media onto such a elaborate platform and by actually creating an independent twitter account, this is a contemporary way for film producers to engage with the younger audience and an easy way to reach everyone. This gives the audience a sense of feeling involved.