The conventions of a drama/thriller film could range from a desolate isolated location, to an urban city. It all depends on the storyline, and the characters. The location usually gives off an idea of what the genre will be such as if its set in a Cabin in the woods it’s most likely going to be a Horror genre. However, for a drama thriller it is more tricky than that. For example, a thriller/drama such as The Girl on the Train revolves around a sub-urban area, whereas a film such as Nerve is set in a large city in America.

girl on the train location

Image result for nerve movie

The city area will usually show yellow cabs, large buildings, large population.

Whereas a sub-urban area will show fewer people, neighbourhoods, and families.

Our location varies therefore it is not conforming to any location coventions, however the dark scenes and car boot shots are conventional locations for a thriller such as in ‘Brake’, a thriller film, someone is also placed in a boot.