Love, Rosie (2014) 

Genre: Romance

The teaser trailer begins with a opening scene of a couple portrayed through a mid-shot doing something the audience cannot quite see. This is unconventional for a trailer as it usually starts with the production companies to ease the audience in. The opening scene is questionable and draws the audience in as the characters are both half naked in a room together, this will intrigue the audience. The next shot is the production company which is revealed to be ‘Lionsgate’ which is well renown for blockbuster films. At the beginning there’s no music too, until the production companies come up suggesting the audience have full attention on the opening scene and leaves them to wonder what the characters are getting up too.

Background music then begins and it is a famous 1975 song, which the audience will associate the film with, as a use of marketing and creating a happy ambiance. Text appears across a black screen, saying “8.5 seconds later”, clearly trying to be comedic and confirm to the audience what the characters have been doing. This is a good technique to make the audience laugh and continue watching.

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An aerial shot portrays the girl and boy out of breath and looking upwards, the female does not look amused and due to the text before the audience can infer why. The dialogue “Where is it?” suggests the trailer will revolve around this lost item. The audience will have worked out what has happened, and further compel them to keep watching. The title for “Love, Rosie” comes up in big letters, with a pink background suggesting the film is about love and emotions and girl things. After this a hashtag appears too, and this is also used as a marketing technique as the audience can go and promote this on social media networks to allow a mass audience to be aware of the film.

love rosie

A character of a doctor then walks into the frame when Rosie is lying on a hospital bed and he also says something funny, therefore the teaser trailer is supposed to amuse the audience without giving anything away. Another text appears saying “COMING SOON” suggesting the audience look out for the release of the film. This also has a pink background so further emphasises the stereotypical romance surrounding the film. The trailer is only a minute long which is average for a teaser trailer, and it doesn’t give much away about the film at all, hence why it draws the audience in so the begin to follow the film.
