Geyneth Paltrow for Women's Helath Magazine April 2017

Genre: Women’s Health

The model used in the main image is Gwyneth Paltrow, whose name is in smaller red font next to her image. The text and position used emphasising how famous she is, her surname isn’t used and her name is small, therefore the magazine assume she is well known and many will recognise who she is without her name. The face and body is drawing the audience’s attention not the name. The image corresponds with the genre, as Gwyneth has a bikini on along with her abs on full show therefore letting the readers know that the magazine will feature a lot of health tips and healthy meals.

The use of Gwyneth further emphasises the industries working together, and Gwyneth is a actress/model, therefore the products are using one another to gain publicity.

The title “WOMEN’S HEALTH” is partially covered too, like the VOGUE deconstruction I recently took apart. This shows that the company is confident enough for readers to know what the magazine company is without seeing the full title.

Gwyneth’s name is spelt with lower case letters, and in red colour perhaps to emphasise the sexual and promiscuous side of her personality. The anchorage texts links the central image to the article topics, “Get. Her. Abs.” Are simple words used to entice the readers and the bold, large, black font so it attracts from further away. The jargon suggesting health such as “10 POUNDS GONE” and “One-Pan Dinners” suggests the magazine is conforming to its genre.

The sharp, large text at the top make the reader feel as though they should follow the advice in the magazine, as the hair is described as sexy and easy, making it appeal to many women who want to look good with minimal effort. The highlighted section in yellow draws attention to the phrase, and really attracts the reader to the magazine.

This image isn’t seen in full length as the abs and face are the most important features of the image, and therefore the focus should be on them. The tempting captions such as how weight is shed and easy healthy dinners are used to tease the readers and make sure they buy the product. This magazine doesn’t feature other celebrities, unlike the other famous magazines, which is unconventional.

The black circular badge in the top left corner is a conventional aspect to include in a magazine, and the word “secrets” teases the readers, as it implies their are hidden concepts they may not have considered before, therefore tempting them to read on and purchase the magazine.