
Genre: Romance 

This poster is from “The Notebook” a famous romance film and novel written by Nicholas Sparks. Firstly, the poster is slightly unconventional colour scheme wise, this is because many associate romance with bright, happy colours such as pink or yellow and mainly the colour of love and rose i.e red. But this poster is a low-key, grey and blue colour tone to it, which is slightly abnormal.

Also the rain element that the poster includes further adds to a melancholy feel. Alternatively, the passion displayed by the two actors (Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams) portrays their romance signigficantly, and the rain could just enhance this passion and love, as cliche rain kisses and moments in romance films are common.

The two main actors are both extremely famous, and mentioned in the smaller font above the title. This will draw the audience in as they see two very well renown actors that many people love, therefore they will enjoy the idea of a film with them both in it. The clothes they are wearing corresponds with the blue and white colour scheme the poster has, this makes the poster pleasing to look at as there’s not many distractions from other colours.

At the very top, text written in black spells “BEHIND EVERY GREAT LOVE IS A GREAT STORY” this is conventional to include within a poster, as a catchy sub-heading will draw the readers in and make them intrigued as they will want to know what the great love and great story actually is. This tactic used by those who make the posters is clever and sets the scene for the audience who haven’t seen the film, and enhances their eagerness to see the film.

The list of names in block print above the title portrays the main actors that will be in the film, and many the audience probably know. Then the title appears in large, slim black font which is slightly unusual as they usually want the text to stand out, however by making the text black it doesn’t quite have that affect. This could be perhaps they want to attract the audience by the picture and emotion shown in the couple’s embrace rather than the title.

This poster also has the phrase “FROM THE BEST-SELLING NOVEL” underneath the title, which emphasises the appeal to many suggesting it will be a popular film too. This allows the industries to work together as many may want to read the book afterwards and many who have read the book will want to see the film, therefore creating a successful system to increase profits.

Right at the bottom the poster features a website link, to a website set up purely for the film. This will allow the audience to easily follow the link and read up about everything they want to know about the film before they see it. Hence why the poster only needs to include minimal information.

In the bottom left and right corners, the logos for production and distribution companies are positioned there. This also gives the audience further information what they can expect from the film, as many production companies are associated with a particular type of film e.g Blumhouse, Marvel, Disney.