The casting of our trailer hopefully should include a main female protagonist, alongside a supporting lead female who accompanies her during her travels and activities. We are also looking for a male actor to present the news report of ‘Daisy’ being missing. When looking for cast we tried to keep it specifically to people from our school. This is because it’s easier to meet up before/after school and we can film certain aspects during our study periods and breaks. For the casting auditions we asked George Jefferies, Aimee Loader and Caitlin Sparrow to participate. Below is Aimee’s Casting video where we asked her to read a script we found online.

Aimee was chosen to be a supporting actress with Caitlin as our lead as they are genuine friends, and will go on holiday together therefore Aimee will appear in some videos.


Below is George’s:


George was shy when reading lines although had a loud clear voice and read well. This will be taken into consideration.

Below is Caitlin’s:


Caitlin has a clear strong voice as well as looking the part of the trendy, pretty teenage girl. Caitlin also does A Level Drama which will help her acting performance.

Below is Jaq’s:


Jaq was chosen for the role of the reporter as he looked mature and sophisticated as well as having a loud spoken voice.

We reviewed the acting on their voices, stature, the way they engaged with the audience and their ability to act. This is why we decided not to chose George as he only read from the script and didn’t express any emotion. Furthermore we chose Aimee as the supporting lead as Caitlin had the better posture and engaged thoroughly with the audience. The actors/actresses are as followed:

Caitlin Sparrow as ‘Daisy King‘ –


Aimee Loader as ‘Emma


Jaq Belton as ‘News Reporter
